Questions and answers
When will I receive my order?
We will send your order as soon as we can. Delivery time is usually 1-3 working days.
Can I come pick up my order myself at your warehouse in Karlstad?
Of course, email us at or in the contact form here on the website and we will arrange a time.
How do I return my order?
Email us at and we will help you.
To which countries do you send?
We ship to the whole EU, plus Norway.
Do I get stickers with my order?
Yes sir.
Will you get more of * any garment * in my size?
Well, the garment will only come in exactly this design once. All Kaja garments are limited edition. Specific prints may come back but the garment will differ in color or material etc.
When do you have a release event? And am I invited?
Soon! And we expect you to come!